
The Countdown Begins

Time passess so quickly for me these days and there are times when I would give anything to slow it all down and yet I still find myself getting caught up in the countdown to the big events, yeah well, who am I kidding? I count down to small events too but anyhow......

Countdowns.....the big one started today in our house. It's December 1st -- and the countdown to Christmas begins! Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the excitement that surrounds it...the magic, the feelings of love and generosity and that we can stretch out all of these great feelings and make them last for a whole month.

This year, my kids are 9 and 6, and I decided that I was going to make each day of this month count...instill a little Christmas Magic into our lives every day.

Thus, our advent calendar Christmas countdown with a special activity placed inside for each day!

Today was writing the "official" letter to Santa and taking it to the North Pole express mail box located at The Avenue. I say official letter because in the last few weeks, Ariel and Carter have been writing varations of this letter on scraps of paper, post it notes and Ariel even typed hers.

So, after school I got out some Santa stationary and the kids wrote their letters. Both being sure to note their "goodness" less Santa might somehow mistakenly have them down on the Naughty side of the list!!!

Off we went to mail our letters with a stop to pick up my nephew. All three kids, their letters clutched in hand marched toward the mail box and carefully placed them inside to await delivery to the North Pole! Ahh, yes....the Christmas Magic begins.

On a side note, I have another smaller countdown going on......I am not-so patiently counting down the days until my husband comes home from his hunting trip. I miss him terribly. Even after 11 years, this week does not get any easier!

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