101 in 1001

 (July 24, 2010 - April 19, 2013)

Save $1000 ER Fund (done 12/2010)
Attend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
Become debt free except mortgage
Give once a month freezer cooking a try (done 8/14/2010)
Climb Assateague Lighthouse w/Ariel and Carter (Ariel asked me to add this to my list)
Develop a successful travel blog
Go strawberry picking with kids and make jam (done 6/2012)
Horseback ride through battlefield of Gettysburg
Go on a Ghost Walk
Buy a really good pair of jeans from Nordstroms
Buy a really good bra from Nordstroms (done 1/2011)
Buy a great pair of tennis shoes (done 2/2011 - Nike Free Run +)
Get a Perry Hall Gator's Sweatshirt (done 10/2010)
Take only one shower/bath per day for a week
Re-do Ariel's Room (done)
Blog about all of our camping trips
Eat a slice of Sugar Baker's really good cake (done 6/18/2011)
Surprise my kids with a trip to the beach for the day (done 8/13/2010)Have lunch with kids at school 5 times (.5/5)
Go on another girls trip with Kelly
Send a postcard to Post Secret
Go to bed before 11:30 every night for 1 week
Finish rag quilt I started
Take 25 early morning walks (2/25)
Take a yoga class
Go one day with no tv; internet or cell phone use
Get hot tub fixed
Donate blood
Get passports for Ariel and Carter (1/2)
Save $500 to go on a guilt-free shopping spree for myself
Give away $5 for every task not completed
Have $10K in the bank (done - Thanks Grandpa and Grandmom)
Learn to french braid hair
Plan and host a scavenger hunt
Do "The Love Dare"
Limit families fast food visits to 1x per week for a month (done 3 months in Spring 2012)
Cook 30 new recipes (2/30)
Make bed every day for one month (done)
Take my lunch to work every day for 1 month
Camp in 5 new campgrounds (2/5) - Searsport Shores, Maine; Castaways, MD
Book travel for 15 new clients (5 in 2010; 5 in 2011 (5/5), 5 in 2012) (5/15)
Mulch swing set area
Take Bella walking 3x per week for 1 month (0/12)
Take kids on "Date Night" 2x per month for 3 months (0/6)
Have a family game night 1x week for 3 months (0/12)
Attend a Raven's Game (done 1/2011)
Take a family bike ride
Take a family trip to Harper's Ferry
Make living on my "part time" salary possible (done 12/2010)
Cry myself to sleep when I realize the kids ACTUALLY sleep in their own rooms every night
Successfully get the kids to sleep in their own rooms (2/2) (done January 2012 at the ages of 11 and almost 9)
Come up with 101 things to do in 1001 days (done 7/24/2010)Take a Mother/Son trip with Carter
Write down Carter's Harry, Barry and Girl (Imaginary Friend) stories
Re-read the Harry Potter Books - this time with Carter
Re-read allthe Laura Ingall Wilder Books (this time with Ariel ) 2/9
Make dinner with the kids - Spaghetti Taco's and Mr. Gulini's Coconut Cream Pie from I Carly
See my baby brother get married (done 11/2010)
Yell "Salt" at a Jimmy Buffett concert one more time
Have at least one person following my blog (done, Thanks, Kathryn)
Finish painting Carter's bedroom
Get my feet wet in the Pacific Ocean
Have a reason to shop for baby girl clothes again
Announce my pick for Family Vacation Destination for 2014
Whale Watch on Cape Cod
Finish my office/scrapbooking room
Visit Niagra Falls (Canadian Side)
Go snorkeling with Doug, Ariel and Carter
Stay at the Polynesian at Walt Disney World
Cruise on the Disney Dream
Join the Y (done 1/2011)
Lose 30lbs
Lose 20 lbs (done 10/13/2010)
Lose 10 lbs (done 8/5/2010)
Complete the 30 Day EA Active Challenge on Wii
Develop a "normal" sleep schedule (done early 2012 - thank you, Melatonin)
Witness a baby being born
Run/walk a 5k done ( 6/18/2011 GBMC NICU 5K)
Complete the "Couch to 5K" program
Win something valued at more than $50 (done 6/2010)
Make 10 New Cupcake Recipes (1 - Margarita; 2- Cinnamon Toast Cruch; 3 - Blueberry Pancake)
Find 10 Geocaches with Doug and kids (5/10)
Go tubing on Gunpowder River
Go on a trip with no cell phone and no computer
Watch 5 movies not seen before on AFI's list of Best Musicals (1/5)
Take a Mother/Daughter Trip with Ariel
Watch all Star Wars Movies w/Carter (0/6)
Learn to knit
Go one week with out cell phone
Read 100 books
See 10 new states (Maine; Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont - 4/10)
Scrapbook all of our camping trips from April 2009 - present
See Billy Joel and Elton John in concert together
Take a spur of the moment, unplanned road trip (done 6/21/2011)
Watch an outdoor movie in Little Italy
Finish cookbook of Grandmom's recipes started 10 years ago
Own an vehicle with heated seats (done 10/2011 - brand new Honda Accord)
Watch the sunset in Mallory Square == Key West, Florida ( done 5/2011)
Beat Doug in Whack-A-Mole five more times
Blog about each completed item
Eat in 5 new restaurants in Walt Disney World (5/5 - Le Cellier; Teppan Edo; Boatwrights, Cape May Clam Bake, Tomorrowland Terrace)
Use my passport again
Go 1 week without spending any money
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