(July 24, 2010 - April 19, 2013)
Attend Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
Become debt free except mortgage
Climb Assateague Lighthouse w/Ariel and Carter (Ariel asked me to add this to my list)
Develop a successful travel blog
Horseback ride through battlefield of Gettysburg
Go on a Ghost Walk
Buy a really good pair of jeans from Nordstroms
Take only one shower/bath per day for a week
Blog about all of our camping trips
Go on another girls trip with Kelly
Send a postcard to Post Secret
Go to bed before 11:30 every night for 1 week
Take 25 early morning walks (2/25)
Go one day with no tv; internet or cell phone use
Get hot tub fixed
Donate blood
Get passports for Ariel and Carter (1/2)
Save $500 to go on a guilt-free shopping spree for myself
Give away $5 for every task not completed
Plan and host a scavenger hunt
Do "The Love Dare"
Cook 30 new recipes (2/30)
Take my lunch to work every day for 1 month
Camp in 5 new campgrounds (2/5) - Searsport Shores, Maine; Castaways, MD
Book travel for 15 new clients (5 in 2010; 5 in 2011 (5/5), 5 in 2012) (5/15)
Mulch swing set area
Take Bella walking 3x per week for 1 month (0/12)
Take kids on "Date Night" 2x per month for 3 months (0/6)
Have a family game night 1x week for 3 months (0/12)
Take a family bike ride
Take a family trip to Harper's Ferry
Cry myself to sleep when I realize the kids ACTUALLY sleep in their own rooms every night
Write down Carter's Harry, Barry and Girl (Imaginary Friend) stories
Re-read the Harry Potter Books - this time with Carter
Re-read allthe Laura Ingall Wilder Books (this time with Ariel ) 2/9
Make dinner with the kids - Spaghetti Taco's and Mr. Gulini's Coconut Cream Pie from I Carly
Yell "Salt" at a Jimmy Buffett concert one more time
Get my feet wet in the Pacific Ocean
Have a reason to shop for baby girl clothes again
Announce my pick for Family Vacation Destination for 2014
Whale Watch on Cape Cod
Visit Niagra Falls (Canadian Side)
Go snorkeling with Doug, Ariel and Carter
Stay at the Polynesian at Walt Disney World
Cruise on the Disney Dream
Lose 30lbs
Complete the 30 Day EA Active Challenge on Wii
Witness a baby being born
Complete the "Couch to 5K" program
Make 10 New Cupcake Recipes (1 - Margarita; 2- Cinnamon Toast Cruch; 3 - Blueberry Pancake)
Find 10 Geocaches with Doug and kids (5/10)
Go tubing on Gunpowder River
Go on a trip with no cell phone and no computer
Watch 5 movies not seen before on AFI's list of Best Musicals (1/5)
Take a Mother/Daughter Trip with Ariel
Watch all Star Wars Movies w/Carter (0/6)
Learn to knit
Go one week with out cell phone
Read 100 books
See 10 new states (Maine; Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont - 4/10)
Scrapbook all of our camping trips from April 2009 - present
Scrapbook all of our camping trips from April 2009 - present
See Billy Joel and Elton John in concert together
Watch an outdoor movie in Little Italy
Finish cookbook of Grandmom's recipes started 10 years ago
Beat Doug in Whack-A-Mole five more times
Blog about each completed item
Use my passport again
Go 1 week without spending any money