Summer vacation officially started for us at the end of the school day on Friday! Yippeeeeeeee! Can you tell I am excited? I live for summer vacation - unstructured time to spend with my kids doing fun things.
Yesterday I announced that Tuesdays during the summer would be "Road Trip Tuesdays" and asked the kids to pick "North or South". They picked North and with a direction in mind I began to think of places to go. Where did we end up? Nottingham, Pennsylvania at the
Herr's Snack Factory for a free tour.
What a great destination! The visitor's center at the snack factory was clean and the staff super friendly. I had called before we left to make reservations for the 11am tour. The tour groups were small and our guide, Andrew, was great at presenting and explaining what we were seeing. I give kudos to any company that allows the public to view their working plant operations.
A few amazing facts we learned today is that nothing goes to waste at the plant...any corn chips that fall off the conveyor belt are swept up and taken to the Herr's Angus farm down the street and fed to the heard of 500 Angus cattle. The same is true of potato peelings discarded during the chip making process. Also, the heat from the fryers is recycled and used to heat the entire building during the winter months.
The best part, though, had to be sampling potato chips RIGHT off the production line. They were warm and fresh and absolutely delicious! This was definitely the highlight of the tour for the kids....well, maybe the adults too :-)
The kids were very excited that Mom Mom was joining us on our road trip!
The factory tour was such fun that it made us want to find out what other tours are available. There was a great book for purchase in the store about all the factory tours available in the United States -
Watch It Made In the USA - A visitor's guide to best factory tours and company museums. I am placing my order for this tonight!
After leaving the Herr's Factory we went to lunch a cute little place right down the street - Nottingham Breakfast House.
The next stop on our journey home was North East, Maryland, a small town in Cecil County. The destination was a store on Main Street called
The Silver Buckle where I was intent on spending some of my birthday money on a super cute pair of
Switchflop Flip Flop Sandals. And spend I did :-) Ariel, who was super annoyed at her brother, perked right up at the chance to do a little shopping. It's amazing the power of retail therapy!
The boys were very patient while the girls browsed in the shops so the next stop was for ice cream!!!
I love this one -- Ariel is "feeding" the pig her ice cream
What a great day! Have I mentioned I love summer vacation? I wonder what adventures next Tuesday will bring?