101 in 1001 List Complete
Early, early this AM I completed my 101 things I want to accomplish in 1001 days list. I love the idea of this. I am a BIG list maker so this is perfect for me. I love having a list of things to do and get great satisfaction over crossing them off! The items on this list should challenge me, enrich me and bring me great pleasure. Let the adventure begin......
2009 Camping Trips -- A Year In Review (Part 3 of 7)
Hershey High Meadows Campground
Hummelstown, Pennsylvania
Hummelstown, Pennsylvania
June 5-7, 2009
I really, really liked this campground. We camped with Ariel's Brownie Troop. Three families in campers and 10+ in tents. We had quite the set-up between our camper and the Varzandeh Family's with the screenhouse and pop-up canopy.
and much to the kids' delight we were blessed with a large mud puddle in front of the site that lasted the entire weekend.
The campground is very pretty with shaded sites; heated and clean bathrooms; large pool area; 2 playgrounds; creek running thru it and a river that the kids delighted in exploring. Also, Wi-Fi. :-)
We cooked a great dinner -- hotdogs for kids, steaks, garlic shrimp and eggplant for adults - YUM!!!.
After dinner, we went to Hershey's Chocolate World for a tour and to finish off the day with Ice Cream!
Back at camp, we told ghost stories -- Boo Hag and Black Aggy.
Day 2 -- Hershey Park Happy!
The sun came out and after a great breakfast we headed over to HP.
We left Riley in the "Barking Lot" Kennel for $10/day with a large new bone to enjoy!
We spent most of the day at the park in the Boardwalk Water Park area.
Got back to camp around 7pm and Kashy got us a good fire going which lasted until midnight.
Our last day we cooked another good breakfast and went to Camp-o-Ree farwell. We were pleasted to find out that there were girl scouts from 17 states as far away as Alaska present. 3000 people in all. We enjoyed the rest of the morning with our friends before heading home.
2009 Camping Trips -- A Year In Review (Part 2 of 7) -- Gettysburg, PA
Granite Hill Campground
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
April 25-27, 2009
Our first trip in the new camper. This was the trip to work all the bugs out. Weather was sunny and unseasonably warm for April. Setup seemed to go fine and the kids quickly made friends with a little girl at a neigboring campsite. They were disappointed the roads were not paved so they couldn't ride bikes or scooters easily.
In setting up the canopy we found out that a piece was broken so a trip to Walmart was needed. This whole "taking a trip to Walmart while on vacation" thing is not a foreign concept to us. Most Wagerman Family Vacations involve a trip at somepoint to a Walmart. Also, not surprisingly, I didn't feeling like cooking. Hey, I was about to sleep overnight in something other than my warm waterbed, don't think I was going to go cold turkey and start cooking over a campfire, too! We went to Walmart, dined at Perkins and the kids fell asleep watching High School Musical III on the laptop. Ahh, the perks of camping in the 21st Century!
Funniest part of the day had to be trying to get Riley (our 125 pound furry family member) into the camper for the first time.
It was mid-night when we said "Come on, Riley, let's go to bed". He came to the camper but wouldn't walk up the steps...so I pulled on the leased and coaxed and Doug pushed from behind but he wouldn't budge. Finally, we had to lift him (remember, 125 pounds) into the camper. Once inside, he wanted to be with the kids so he hoped in bed next to them and stayed there all night.
Day 2
My Mom and Dad drove up today and we went to Boyd's Bear Country.
Kids were antsy afterwards and started saying the dreaded "B" word -- Bored!! We decided to do the drive-thru/audio tour of the Gettysburg battlefields. Carter was very interested BUT Ariel slept thru day 1 and 2 of the battle :-).
We watched the sunset over the battlefied and took some gorgeous photographs. Not wanting to cook tonight either (hey, some things don't change) we opted for McDonald's drive-thru.
All in all, a great first camping trip in the new camper. Can't wait for our next adventure....